英语短语造句1.be uesd for(doing)sth 被用于…2.use sth to do 用… 做…3.wit


1.be uesd for(doing)sth 被用于…
2.use sth to do 用… 做…
3.with the help of… 在…的帮助下
4.get in the way 阻碍…
5.be serious about… 对…认真
每个短语造三个句子, 拜托啦~
- - 第一个used打错了 大家明白就好 嘿嘿
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-17


1:Toothpastes are used for cleaning your teeth.
These cups are used for alcohol.
TVs are used for watching movies and programmes.
2:I use rag to clean the table.
I use mop to clean the floor.
I use these people to get myself a higher position in the company.
3:I finished the homework with the help of my father.
I won this competition with the help of my teacher.
I finished this project with the help of my coworkers.
4:I always like to get in the way of their practice.
His social life gets in the way of his studies.
Don't let emotion get in the way.
5:Please be serious about this matter!
I will be serious about your studies.
He is always serious about his efficiency.