英语翻译A Naive Bayes probabilistic model was fitted to these hi


A Naive Bayes probabilistic model was fitted to these histograms.This model
could be applied to a new image to estimate the probability that the image belongs to any of the 9 stonefly taxa.New specimens were rejected as being nonstoneflies based on a threshold or operating point (OP) for this probability.For the results reported in this paper,we selected the OP at the equal error rate (EER; the EER OP is where the proportion of distracters rejected equals the proportion of stoneflies accepted).We estimated the OP threshold using only the training set (without distractors) by averaging over the 9 EER thresholds obtained by treating 1 stonefly taxon at a time as a distractor and using the Naive Bayes model trained on the remaining 8 taxa.
Given a new image,the system operated as follows.First,the NaIve Bayes model was evaluated,and the output probability was compared to the OP threshold.If it was less than the threshold,the image was rejected as being a nonstonefly.Otherwise,the SIFT descriptors were passed to the classifier,which assigned the image to one of the 9 stonefly taxa.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-01


朴素贝叶斯概率模型拟合这些直方图.这种模式已经被应用到一个新的图像来估计图像属于任何9 Stonefly类群的概率.新的标本被拒绝作为nonstoneflies基于阈值或操作点(OP)这个概率.本文报道的结果,我们选择了OP的相等错误率(EER;能效比OP在哪里,拒绝的比例等于石蝇接受比例).我们估计的OP阈值只使用训练集(无干扰)平均超过9能效比的阈值,通过一次作为分心,使用朴素贝叶斯模型的训练,剩余的8个类群1石蝇分类得到治疗.给出了一种新的图像,系统操作如下.首先,朴素贝叶斯模型进行评价,并输出概率进行比较运算的阈值.如果是小于阈值,图像被拒绝作为一个nonstonefly.否则,SIFT描述符来分类,并指定图像的9个Stonefly类群.