急= = 求英语大神翻译演讲稿 坐等在线等 麻烦发邮箱


急= = 求英语大神翻译演讲稿 坐等在线等 麻烦发邮箱
Value Every Minute
when i wasyoung i'd listen to the radio
waiting for my favorite songs
when they played i'd sing along,
it make me smile.
纵观历史,许多成功人士都有一个共同点,就是珍惜时间.鲁迅他说过:“时间,就像海绵里的水,只要你挤,总是有的.”所以时间对他来说,实在非常重要.而著名的生物学家达尔文在写作《物种起源》时,经常昼夜不 眠,没有一 夜超过五个小时,在他身患重病,生命垂危时,仍然坚持观察,记录植物的生长情况,直到 临终前两天都未间断.可见,历史上有所成就的人无一例外都是珍惜时间的.
相信大神的翻译文笔= =.无限感激 阿门.
1个回答 分类:综合 2014-09-29


Good afternoon,
Dear teachers and classmates,
Before my speech, I would like to share a
song with you:
YES! Yesterday once
more, it’s my favourite song. All of us want to have the chance to live again, but
unfortunately, time wait for no man. The only thing we can do is to make every
minute worthy.
People say our life is made of yesterday, today
and tomorrow. While I think it’s made of countless toadies since the people who
can’t cherish today will not miss yesterday and long for tomorrow. Thus the connotative
of life is on today which is consisted of seconds and minutes. Save today is to
save life, or you will waste your life.
Comedy artist Chaplin
had said: Time is a great author who can describe the end of life. Life is
precious of all, but once we take good use of the time, we can master it.. Life
is printed colorful by the moving universe and history.
Throughout the
history, the successful have one thing in common-----value time. ‘Time, is just
like the water in the sponge. You can’t get it unless you squeeze.’Lu xun said.
We can see that how valuable the time is for him. In addition, Darwin, a famed biologist,
always stayed up late and slept less than five hours one day when he was
writing [The origin of species].Even though having serious disease at the death’s
door, Darwin kept observing and recording the growing of plants, until the last
two days. We can see that all these accomplished men treasure their time.
So, how about us, as
the future of our country. What we
should do? Are you still proud of your past achievements, or sad of your past
mistakes. Forget them, don’t be addicted to yesterday. Yesterday is truly over!
At the same time, today will be passed little by little. Each of us will go for
tomorrow with different sceneries. So take your action to hold your time.
We should not look
back to yesterday, pray for tomorrow, what we should do is to think how to
treat today, that’s the most important. Now work hard at the limited time, make
the best of today to make up the past. Then you can realize your dream.