初二英语作文 要求是 一个人如何改变了我的生活, 多少字都可以啊,急求,谢了,


初二英语作文 要求是 一个人如何改变了我的生活, 多少字都可以啊,急求,谢了,
对不起 哦, 麻烦你们了, 我要的是 的英文作文额,不是介绍朋友的. 非常抱歉
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-09-22


Mr Smith is our English teacher who is tall and thin with glasses on.He is in hjs early thirties.He is always full of energy and his lessons are always well-prepared and clearly delivered.I still rembered when I began to learn English,I found it hard.Nomatter how hard I tried,I couldn't learn it well.I almost gave it up.When Mr Smith found that,he talked with me on how to learn English well and he also gave me a book on English learning.He encouraged me a lot.He has kept helping me with my English.With his help,now I am good at it.So I think he has changed my life.