英语翻译各位评委老师好 我叫李华 今年17岁来自安徽合肥 我性格开朗 擅长与人交流 我是一个积极乐观的人 有着坚韧不拔的


各位评委老师好 我叫李华 今年17岁来自安徽合肥 我性格开朗 擅长与人交流 我是一个积极乐观的人 有着坚韧不拔的品质 从不轻言放弃 对待事物有着自己的看法和见解 我曾担任过班级的文艺委员 多次组织过班级的文艺活动 我也很热爱运动 它不仅可以锻炼我的体魄 还能陶冶情操 让我不断挑战和突破自己
我很向往空乘这个专业 因为我热爱旅游 我想在我青春之时去游览世界各地的风景 同时 我也非常享受帮助别人所带个自己的快乐 我愿用我最大的努力去给予别人最贴心的帮助
1个回答 分类:综合 2014-10-31


The judges the teacher is good. my name is li hua, this year 17 years old from anhui hefei, I have a bright and cheerful disposition is good at communicating with people, I am a positive and optimistic people never give up to have the virtue of perseverance things have their own views and opinions I have served as a class of literature and art committee organized class's and grade's literary activities many times I am also very love sports not only can exercise my body still can edify sentiment let me continue to challenge and breakthrough I very yearning flight attendant this major because I love to travel in my youth I want to visit the scenery around the world at the same time I also very enjoy helping others with their own happiness, I would like to use my best efforts to give people the most intimate help thank the judges the teacher.望采纳本人一字一句打的,除楼主外别人不许抄袭