英语翻译Paraffins are the major component of waxy solid deposits


Paraffins are the major component of waxy solid deposits from crude oil.The preventive methods of paraffin deposition involve the use of chemical additives such as wax crystal modifiers also known as paraffin inhibitors,to distort or modify the undesirable crystal structure.These compounds,which are usually polymeric in nature,are able to interact with the wax crystals thus improving the flow characteristics and
reducing the cohesive strength of a paraffin deposit,hence inhibiting wax deposition The mechanism of the inhibition process is well described in the literature.Commercial wax inhibitors are typically synthesized to be branched and/or to contain some bulky,preferably polar,functional groups that interfere with the n-paraffin nucleation
and induce crystal imperfections.Crystallization of paraffin wax from crude oil in the presence of such polymer inhibitors results in the formation of smaller crystals that are less prone to further agglomeration.It has been theorized that paraffin inhibitor performance is based on the primary structure of the polymer chain including the effects of different functional groups and the length of the main/side chains.This extended abstract comprises describes structure of polymer wax inhibitors with experimental data on their physical properties and relates that information to their inhibiting performance.Also,it reveals a correlation between structures and properties
of conventional polymers,using this knowledge to target synthesis of premium paraffin inhibitors.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-23


Paraffins are the major component of waxy solid deposits from crude oil. 石蜡是从石油中沉淀的蜡质固体的主要成分.
The preventive methods of paraffin deposition involve the use of chemical additives such as wax crystal modifiers also known as paraffin inhibitors, to distort or modify the undesirable crystal structure. 对石蜡沉积物的保护方法包括化学添加剂的使用,如蜡晶改进剂,也叫做石蜡抑制剂,对不理想的晶体结构进行变形和改造.
These compounds,which are usually polymeric in nature, are able to interact with the wax crystals thus improving the flow characteristics and reducing the cohesive strength of a paraffin deposit, hence inhibiting wax deposition.这些化合物通常以聚合物的形式存在于自然当中,能够与蜡晶相互作用从而提高结蜡流动性以及减弱其凝聚强度,因此起到抑制蜡的沉淀的作用.
The mechanism of the inhibition process is well described in the literature.这种抑制过程的原理在文章当中已经解释的非常清楚了.
Commercial wax inhibitors are typically synthesized to be branched and/or to contain some bulky, preferably polar, functional groups that interfere with the n-paraffin nucleation and induce crystal imperfections.商业蜡抑制剂往往被合成来分离出或者牵制那些对干扰正链烷烃集结和导致晶体变得不完美的过于庞大的,极端的功能组.
Crystallization of paraffin wax from crude oil in the presence of such polymer inhibitors results in the formation of smaller crystals that are less prone to further agglomeration. 从原油中沉淀出的固体石蜡的结晶化在高分子缓蚀剂面前最终形成不易继续凝结的较小晶体的构造.
It has been theorized that paraffin inhibitor performance is based on the primary structure of the polymer chain including the effects of different functional groups and the length of the main/side chains. 从理论上讲,防蜡剂的作用是建立在高分子链的初级结构上的,其中包括不同功能组的作用以及主/侧链的长度.
This extended abstract comprises describes structure of polymer wax inhibitors with experimental data on their physical properties and relates that information to their inhibiting performance.这种抽象拓展层次由根据其物理性质和与抑制性能相关的信息而构建出的聚合物防蜡剂构成.
Also, it reveals a correlation between structures and properties of conventional polymers, using this knowledge to target synthesis of premium paraffin inhibitors.同样,它也揭露了常规聚合物的结构与性能之间的联系,利用这一理论可以达到合成优质石蜡抑制剂的目标.