英语翻译Various transition-metal ions are crucial for the life o


Various transition-metal ions are crucial for the life of
organisms.1 Among these is the copper ion,which plays a
critical role as a catalytic cofactor for a variety of metalloenzymes,
including superoxide dismutase,cytochrome c
oxidase,and tyrosinase.However,under overloading conditions,
copper exhibits toxicity in that it causes neurodegenerative
diseases (e.g.,Alzheimer’s and Wilson’s diseases)
probably by its involvement in the production of reactive
oxygen species.2 Consequently,organisms tightly regulate
internal concentrations of copper.Owing to the Janus-faced
properties of copper in organisms,numerous efforts have
been undertaken to develop efficient and selective methods
to assess copper ions in cells and organisms.In addition,copper is a significant metal pollutant due to its widespread
use.The toxicity of copper ions for humans is rather low
compared to other heavy metals,but certain microorganisms
are affected by even submicromolar concentrations of Cu2+.3
Even though fluorescent probes for copper ion have been
extensively explored owing to biological significance of this
metal ion,4 there are still only a few examples of “off-on”
type sensors available in aqueous systems.5 Furthermore,
only a few ratiometric fluorescent probes for Cu2+ have been
found in the literature due the fluorescence quenching nature
of paramagnetic Cu2+,6 and most of them were working only
in pure organic solvents.Ratiometric fluorescent measurements
observe changes in the ratio of the intensities of the
emission at two wavelengths.Thus,ratiometric fluorescent
sensors have an important feature that they can be used to
evaluate the analyte concentration and provide built-in
correction for environmental effects.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-27


各种不同的过渡金属离子对于有机体的生命来说是决定性的.1 在这些离子中有一种就是铜离子,铜离子作为多种金属酶的催化辅因子其中关键的作用,这样的金属酶包括超氧化歧化酶、细胞色素c氧化酶和酪氨酸酶.可是,在过载条件下,铜在引起神经退行性疾病(例如Alzheimer氏和Wilson氏疾病)方面呈现出毒性,这或许是因为其牵涉进了反应性氧类的产生中.2 因此,有机体紧紧调节内部的铜的浓度.由于铜在有机体中的两面性质,已经进行了好多努力来开发有效而有选择性的方法以介入细胞和有机体中的铜离子.此外,由于其使用广泛,所以铜还是一种重要的金属污染物.铜离子对人类的毒性相比于其他重金属来说是相当低的,但是某些微有机体会受到甚至亚微克分子浓度Cu2+的影响.3
虽然用于铜离子的荧光探测剂(荧光探针)由于这种金属离子4的生物意义而得到了广泛的探索,但是仍只有很少关于使用于含水系统的“关-开”型传感器的例子.5 而且,由于顺磁的Cu2+的荧光猝灭本质,只有少数用于Cu2+的比率荧光探测剂能在文献中找到,6 而且它们中大多数只有在纯的有机溶剂中才有效.比率荧光测量观察两个波长下发射光强的比率的变化,因此比率荧光传感器具有一个重要的特点,那就是它们可以用于评价被分析物的浓度和对环境的影响提供内置的纠正.