

中国古代有个故事,从前有对夫妻,丈夫叫朱买臣,妻子是催氏,朱买臣是个有才能的人,但一直没有受到重用,所以,他的妻子催氏就很鄙视他,每天都叫他出去砍柴,并且侮辱和咒骂他的丈夫,有一个大雪纷飞的冬天,因为朱买臣不能冒雪打柴,催氏把丈夫赶出了家门,并且索要了修书,改嫁他人,几年以后朱买臣被他人举荐做了本地的太守,在赴任的途中,遇到了他的前妻催氏,原来,催氏听说 朱买臣终于功成名就衣锦还乡,就假意到朱买臣的马前认错,企图夫妻重圆,朱买臣为了惩罚她的忘恩负义,就叫侍从拿一盆清水,在他的车马面前泼下,并令催氏若能将泼出去的水都收回来,就原谅她的过错,催氏连泥带水的收了半盆水,又自觉羞辱,撞墙自尽.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-07


This is a story that happened in ancient China.There was once a couple:the husband's name was Zhu Maichen and the wife's was Cui.Zhu was a gifted person,but he was not discovered by the government.Therefore,his wife disdained him and asked him to cut the woods everyday,at the same time humiliating and cursing him invectively.One snowy winter,because Zhu could not go cut the woods against the blizzard,Cui chased him out of their house.She also demanded a divorcement,and married someone else soon.A few years later,Zhu was recommended by someone to be the Taishou (Ancient official,equals a mayor now)of that place.On his way to his new post,he ran into his ex-wife.Cui heard that Zhu Maichen finally succeeded and returned with fame and honour.Hence,she disingenuously came to apologize for what she had done to him before,hoping that he would forgive her and they could get back together.To punish her vice and hypocrisy,Zhu told his servants to bring over a pot of water,and poured off it in front of his carriage.He said to her,if she could collect back all the water that he had poured off,he then would forgive her.Cui tried to collect about half of the water with mud and dirt.However,feeling ashamed at last,she hit a nearby wall and killed herself.
The moral of the story is:Once your words are said,they are said forever.You can never take back them,just as the water that had been poured off.