

 完型填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 Jenny was a nurse in a children's hospital.One evening there was a big dance in the hospital.Most of the doctors and nurses would be there,but of course some had to be(15) to look after the children.Jenny was not among the(16) ones who were free to go to the dance.She enjoyed dancing very much,so when she had to start (17) that evening while her friends were getting ready to go to the dance,she felt very(18) for herself.She went to each sick child one after another and said good night.(19) she came to a little boy called Tommy.Tommy was only 11years old,but he already talked like an (20) .Poor Tommy had a very serious illness,and now he was hardly able to (21) any part of his body except his hands.But he was always happy and always thinking about others instead of himself. When Jenny camp up to his bed,he said,"I'm sorry that you have to(22) the dance because of us.But we're going to have a party for you.If you look in my(23) ,you'll find a piece of cake.I saved it from my supper today,so it's quite(24) .""and I'd get up and dance with you myself if I was able to."he added. Suddenly the hospital dance seemed very far away and not at all important to Jenny.   15.A.allowed         B.invited         C.left       D.made 16.A.lucky           B.active        C.Jealous      D.wise 17.A.dancing          B.working       C.drinking    D.relaxing 18.A.grateful          B.happy         C.sorry       D.proud 19.A.Luckily          B.Hopefully      C.Firstly       D.Finally 20.A.actor             B.alien          C.angel      D.adult 21.A.touch            B.wave          C.move       D.clean 22.A.miss             B.attend        C.forget        D.host 23.A.dustbin          B.drawer        C.wallet        D.bed 24.A.rare             B.sweet         C.tasty          D.fresh.
1个回答 分类:综合 2018-02-22





【解答】15.考查动词及语境的理解.A.allowed允许; B.invited邀请; C.left留下; D.made使.大多数医生和护士可以去参加舞会,但是当然了其中的一些不能不留下来照顾这些孩子们.根据Mostof the doctors and nurses would be there可知一些去,一些需要留下来,故选C.

16.考查形容词及语境的理解.A.lucky幸运的; B.active积极的; C.jealous妒忌的; D.wise聪明的.Jenny是不幸运的人.根据who were free to go to the dance及 She enjoyed dancing very much她喜欢跳舞但是却不能去参加,应该是不幸运的.可知A.

17.考查动名词及语境的理解.A.dancing跳舞; B.working工作; C.drinking 喝; D.relaxing放松. 当其他的朋友去参加舞会她不得不开始工作.根据Jenny was not among the  16 ones 可知她要留下来工作,故选B.

18.考查形容词及语境的理解.A.grateful感激的; B.happy 高兴的; C.sorry对不起;          D.proud自豪的.她感觉对不起自己.根据her friends were gettingready to go to the dance,朋友都去参加舞会了,所以她感觉很对不起自己,故选C.

19.考查副词及语境的理解.A.Lucky幸运的; B.Hopefully有希望的; C.Firstly首先;         D.Finally最后,终于.最后她来到一个叫Tommy 的男孩.根据She went to eachsick child one after another 可知这里指的是最后,故选D.

20.考查名词及语境的理解.A.actor演员; B.alien外星人; C.angel天使; D.adult成人.Tommy仅仅11岁,但是他谈话就像一个成年人.根据Tommy was only 11 yearsold 及but表示前后转折关系,可知虽然Tommy是一个小孩,而说话却像大人,故选D.

21.考查动词及语境的理解.A.touch触摸; B.wave挥手; C.move移动; D.clean干净.他现在除了手意外身体其他部位几乎不能动.根据PoorTommy had a very serious illness可知他病得很严重,故选C.

22.考查动词及语境的理解.A.miss错过; B.attend参加; C.forget忘记; D.host主办.对不起因为我们让你错过了舞会.根据whenshe had to start  17  that evening while her friends were gettingready to go to the dance,可知她要照顾这些孩子不能去参加舞会,故选A.

23.考查名词及语境的理解.A.dustbin 垃圾箱; B.drawer抽屉; C.wallet钱夹; D.bed床.如果你看一下我的抽屉,你就会发现这里有一块蛋糕.根据句意可知这里应该指的是蛋糕在抽屉里,故选B.

24.考查形容词及语境的理解.A.rare稀有的; B.sweet甜的; C.tasty 可口的; D.fresh新鲜的.我今天从我的早饭里省出来的,因此它是相当新鲜的.根据Isaved it from my supper today 可知从今天的早饭里节省出来的,所以说蛋糕很新鲜,故选D.

