

在汉语文化中,白色有纯洁和清白的意思.汉语有“清白无辜”和“清清白白”这样的词语来表示纯洁和清白,但也有一些不同的含义,在中国文化中,白色还象征着死亡、凶兆,如红白喜事中的“白事”指丧事(funeral of an old person),如译成“a white happy event”则很难被西方人做理解,称带给男人厄运的女人为“白虎星”,还可以表示失利、愚蠢、无利可得,如“白痴”、“白费工夫”.在西方文化中,白色也是象征纯洁和清白的意思,如a white soul纯洁的心灵,white wedding新娘穿白礼服的婚礼,由此而引起其它的象征含义,一般引申为“忠实可靠”,如a white lie善意的谎言(尤为礼貌起见所说的谎言), a very white man善意的人、有教养的人(而中国京剧脸谱中“白脸”代表奸诈),white war没有硝烟的战争,They treated us white.他们公正地对待我们.这些句子或词语中的white在译成汉语时就不应该相对应的译成“白”.同样,汉语中有些与“白”字相配的词组,实际与英语white表示的颜色也没有什么联系,而是表达另外的含义,如白开水plain boiled water,白菜cabbage,白搭no use,白费力all in vain,白蚁termite,白痴idiot,白日梦day dream.
在特定的社会环境和历史条件下,汉英语的颜色词所指的事物或概念引起的特殊的象征意义也有完全对应的,黑色表示“邪恶的、不好的、坏的”,如the black hole黑窝,black market黑市,black list黑名单,black heart黑心肠等,“黑色”也往往与政治或帮派联系在一起,如我国20世纪末五种非劳动人民出身的人被贬称为“黑五类”,美国的Black Panthers(黑豹党).在英语语言文化中,黑色是禁忌色,还象征着死亡、凶兆和灾难,英语中的Black Friday就是指耶稣在复活节前受难的星期五,例如to wear black for her father
为她父亲来戴孝;也可以表示“阴险的、邪恶的”,如black sheep害群之马, black day凶日, black future暗淡的前途;还可以表示“气愤的、恼怒的”,如a black mood气愤的心情, a black look怒目而视(汉语中只说“白眼”),但有趣的是,在商业英语中in the black却表示“盈利”.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-26


In Chinese language culture,the white colour (Bai) stands for purity and innocence,as expressed in the words like “Qing Bai Wu Gu” and “Qing Qing Bai Bai”.However,white still has other meanings.In Chinese culture,the white colour can also symbolize death and threat.For instance,in the Chinese expression “Hong Bai Xi Shi” (wedding and funeral),“Bai Shi” refers to the funeral of an old person.It is hardly accepted by westerners if translated as “a white happy event”.Moreover,people often use the word “Bai Hu Xing” (jinx) to represent women who would bring misfortune to the men.In addition,the white colour can also stands for setback,silliness and penniless,as expressed in “Bai Chi”(the stupid person) and “Bai Fei Gong Fu”(a futile attempt).Meanwhile,in western culture,the white colour can also stand for purity and innocence.For example,“a white soul” (a pure mind),”white wedding”(a wedding in which the bride dressed in white).Therefore,the white colour may have other related symbolic meanings,like “loyalty and reliance”.Such as “a white lie”(a lie for goodwill),“a very white man”(a good-natured and polished man) – however,this represents a treacherous man in Peking Opera Make-ups; “white war” (a war without gunsmoke),“They treated us white.” (They treated us fairly).These words and sentences with “white” in them should not be translated into “Bai”.Similarly,some Chinese expressions with “Bai” in them do not necessarily have any relations with the colour of white,but show various meanings,like “Bai Kai Shui”(plain boiled water),“Bai Cai”(cabbage),”Bai Da”(no use),”Bai Fei Li”(all in vain),”Bai Yi”(termite),”Bai Chi”(idiot),”Bai Ri Meng”(day dream).
Due to specific social environment and historical conditions,the symbolic meanings in both Chinese and English,which are brought about by the things or concepts related with the colours,may correspond with each other.Sometimes,the black colour (Hei) stands for evil or awfulness.For example,“the black hole”(Hei Wo),“black market”(Hei Shi),“black list”(Hei Ming Dan),“black heart”(Hei Xin Chang).Also,the black colour can associate with politics and gangs.For instance,a disparaging term “Hei Wu Lei” was used at the end of the 20th century to describe the five types of people who did not have a working people origin; and the “Black Panthers” in America (Hei Bao Dang).In English language culture,the black culture is a taboo,which stands for death,threat and catastrophe.The “Black Friday” in English refers to the Friday when Jesus was crucified before Easter; “to wear black for her father” (wear the willow for the death).In addition,black can also represent cattiness and evil.Such as “black sheep”(a person regarded as a disgrace or a failure of the family); “black day”(a day of misfortune),“black future”(not promising future).Furthermore,black may stand for anger and rage.Like “a black mood”(an angry mood),“a black look”(a furious look) – usually expressed as “Bai Yan” in Chinese.Nevertheless,it is interesting to see that in business English,“in the black” refers to making a profit.
Good Luck~