英语翻译希望是真的会英语的人 帮我翻 通顺 而且文法对的句子请会英文的帮我把中文句子翻英文 绝对不要翻译软体 (因为是乱


希望是真的会英语的人 帮我翻 通顺 而且文法对的句子
请会英文的帮我把中文句子翻英文 绝对不要翻译软体 (因为是乱翻的句子 文法不通)
当我赚到我人生中的第一个$ 50 00000
我会把这笔钱 拿来做很多我梦寐以求的事情
首先 我会跟家人一起分享和使用这笔钱
犒劳父母平常的辛苦 也顺便让我和我的家人有一个好的享受假期
我相信我的家人会非常高兴和兴奋的 我想要我的家人开心
第二件事 我会把这笔钱 拿来买一栋新房子
我梦想中的房子是又大又舒服 又典雅和高级的房子
我希望我的$ 50 00000 可以买到这样的房子
买完房子之後 我可能想要 用剩下的钱 买我家人想要的东西 我想要让他们拥有他们一直想要的东西
之後 如果还有剩下的钱 我会拿去银行里存起来 当作以後的生活费
这就是我的计画 我觉得要拥有 $ 50 00000 这麼多钱 是一件不容易的事情 除非是中大奖 (中乐透)
因为这麼多钱 要找一份薪水很多的工作很难 尤其是在这个大家都不容易找到一份工作的时期
$ 50 00000 是我目前的人生目标 我真的希望 我可以拥有这一大笔钱 做很多我想要做的事
1个回答 分类:综合 2014-11-02


再问: 晚上八点之前
再答: 没有问题。先把前面的采纳好。
再问: 采纳好罗
再答: When I have earned my first ever 5 million dollars, I will use 5 this sum to realise my dreams. First,I will share it with my family members. For example, I will plan for my parents who have been working hard all the time a good long-holiday trip which both my family and I can enjoy together. 我相信我的家人会非常高兴和兴奋的 我想要我的家人开心 (这很重要)\ I believe they will be both happy and excited. I think that it matters a lot that they are happy. The next thing that I will do is to buy a new house because I want them to live in a more comfortable house. My dream house is both big and cozy as well as elegant and eye-catching. 我希望我的$ 50 00000 可以买到这样的房子 I hope my first 5 million can get such a house. when their house is bought,they can get whatever they have been wishing for. Of course, I won't forget to reward myself at the same time. WIith the remaining money, I will put it in the bank as my future living expeses The above is my dream plan. I think that it is no easy job to earn as buch as 5 million dollars unless you win a 5-million lottery. It is very hard to get a job with a good pay,especially when every one of us finds it difficult to find work. 5 million dollars is my life goal,and I really hope that I can do lots of things with this sum of money.