英语翻译浙江省产品加工合同 供方:合同编号:签订地点:供方厂内需方:签订时间:2009年12月10日货号品名数量单价(美


浙江省产品加工合同 供方:合同编号:签订地点:供方厂内需方:签订时间:2009年12月10日货号品名数量单价(美元)金额(美元)交货日期0000.78/PCS000000001.00/PCS000000001.26/PCS000000001.76/PCS00000合计金额(美元):一、供方按上述规定将货物送到需方指定仓库.二、上述产品的单价包含运费和包装费.三、产品质量以需方提供的样品,并经需方认定合格后封样为依据.四、由于产品质量问题的客户索赔,经技术鉴定,确因产品内在质量不合格引起的由供方承担损失.五、付款方式:先预付定金30%.其余70%在货物进上海港仓库后2个工作日内,凭供方提供的增值税发票,当天付款.(备注:收到30%定金后安排生产.)六、产品包装要求:出口外贸纸箱.七、从上海到XX供 方 单位名称:(章)法定代表人:委托代表人:电话:传真:开户银行:账号:纳税登记号:需 方 单位名称:(章)法定代表人:委托代表人:电话:传真:开户银行:账号:纳税登记号:
1个回答 分类:综合 2014-10-31


Zhejiang province product processing contract: contract number: the place of signing: the supplier's factory: the signing time: December 10, 2009 name of commodity quantity unit price ( dollars) amount (US $ ) delivery date 0.78 / PCS000000001.00 / PCS000000001.26 / PCS000000001.76 / PCS00000 total amount (US $ ): A, the supplier according to the provisions of the goods delivered to the designated warehouse. In two, the product price includes postage and packaging fees. Three, product quality to be provided by the sample, and is determined by the demand side after passing the sample is based on letters. In four, due to product quality of the customer claims, after technical evaluation, because of this inherent quality of product failure caused by the seller to bear the loss. In five, the first advance deposit payment: 30%. The remaining 70% of goods in the warehouse in Shanghai port after 2 working days, with a side to provide value-added tax invoices, the day of payment. ( Note: received 30% deposit to arrange production. ) Six, product packaging requirements: export carton. Seven, from Shanghai to XX for units of ( Chapter ): legal representative: Client Representative: Tel: Fax: bank account:: tax registration number: need party unit name: ( Chapter ) legal representative: Client Representative: Tel: Fax: bank account:: tax registration number: