英语翻译因为要到圣诞节和春节了 想给英语老师写点祝福的 想来想去 还是英语写最好 可是无从下笔 把下面这些话翻译成英文


因为要到圣诞节和春节了 想给英语老师写点祝福的 想来想去 还是英语写最好 可是无从下笔 把下面这些话翻译成英文 急用!(翻译以下内容) 谢谢老师对莪两年来的照顾 .莪的英语水平很差,但是有了老师的帮助 ,让莪得到了提升.明年咱们就要分开了,好舍不得额 莪说过的您不像一个老师 ,向是莪们的姐姐 ,你是莪们所有任课老师中最和蔼的,莪想莪们会一直记着你的,谢谢你对莪们的爱!在一年里神圣的日子到来之际 莪先祝咱们亲爱的老师(姐姐) 您 圣诞快乐 接着是新年快乐 还有许许多多一年内的节日 咱都祝你永远开心,快乐!(结束) 有合适的直接就给分了 50分
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-25


Thank you teacher for caring about me for this 2 years. I'm not good at English, but with your help, I got much progress. we'll be seperated next year, which makes me depressed. as for me, you are not like a teacher, but our sister, you are the most kindly among all my teachers, I believe we will remember you always, and thank you for your love to us! at the very coming time of the year, first wish you, my dear teacher(sister) merry christmas, then happy new year, there are many more festivals in the year, I would wish you happy all the days forever.