英语翻译摘 要:【目的】对三种常见微生物进行常规生理生化反应鉴定.【方法】通过淀粉水解试验、糖发酵试验、甲基红试验和伏-


摘 要:【目的】对三种常见微生物进行常规生理生化反应鉴定.【方法】通过淀粉水解试验、糖发酵试验、甲基红试验和伏-普试验对三种常见微生物进行生理生化反应测定.【结果】淀粉水解试验结果是枯草芽孢杆菌可产淀粉酶;糖发酵试验证明大肠杆菌和普通变形杆菌产酸产气,枯草芽孢杆菌产少量有机酸;甲基红试验证明大肠杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌和普通变形杆菌呈阳性;伏-普试验结果是枯草芽孢杆菌和普通变形杆菌反应呈阳性.【结论】淀粉水解试验、糖发酵试验、甲基红试验和伏-普试验可以从不同方面对常见菌种进行鉴定.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-06


Pick to: 【 objective 】 of three common microbes for regular physiological and biochemical reaction identification. 【 methods 】 through the hydrolysis of starch sugar fermentation test, test, methyl red test and v-general test of three common microbes under physiological and biochemical reaction determination. 【 results 】 the hydrolysis of starch test results is bacillus subtilis can produce amylase; Sugar fermentation tests prove escherichia coli and ordinary proteus and produces acid and gas and bacillus subtilis in a small amount of organic acid; Methyl red test prove escherichia coli and bacillus subtilis and ordinary proteus positive; V-general test results is bacillus subtilis and ordinary proteus reaction was positive. 【 conclusion 】 the hydrolysis of starch sugar fermentation test, test, methyl red test and v-general test can never tongfang face to identify common strains.
Keywords: microbial; Appraisal; Physiological and biochemical reaction