

It’s alarming tosee that many heritage places have to give way to construction of localeconomy,which I personally think is short-sighted. It’s common sensethat cultural relics are part of our history as well as our present life.In my personal opinion,todestroy cultural heritage means to ruin our culture and to betray our history.Therefore,things must be done tostop the irresponsible action. • As far as I’m concerned,weshould first spare no effort to makepeople realize the importance and necessity of protecting cultural heritage,which seems a challenging task,though.Besides,the government should wisely set up funds for the preservation for cultural heritages.•To conclude,I strongly believe thatif everybody makes a small change,we’ll make a great difference on theprotection of heritage places.
1个回答 分类:英语 2018-04-14


这是令人震惊的看到,许多遗产地要让位给经济建设,我个人觉得这是目光短浅的。 这是普通常识的文物是我们历史的一部分以及我们现在的生活。在我个人看来,摧毁文化遗产意味着毁灭我们的文化和背叛我们的历史。因此,必须停止不负责任的行为。 •就我而言,我们应该首先不遗余力地使人们意识到保护文化遗产的重要性和必要性,这似乎是一个具有挑战性的任务,虽然。此外,政府要建立文化遗产保护基金。•得出结论,我坚信,如果每个人都会有一个小的变化,我们要对遗产地的保护有很大区别。